Good security is boring and predictable. Goals, strategy, tactics and roadmap are well defined. Everyone understands the guardrails and their role in protecting organization assets.
Mistakes still occur and incidents beyond your control will still affect you, but you are ready to respond quickly — managing risks and impacts. You can rely on your people and processes, and the organization can rely on you.
It’s not about Security. It’s about Trust.
Locked down, restricted, isolated are common euphemisms for "secure" but have you ever seen a business strategy use these terms? Your employees need access, and you need to connect to your partners and providers. Chasing "security" only leads to frustration -- for everyone.
Linking your Cybersecurity Strategy to the organization's Strategy and actively managing risks allows the organization to move quickly and decisively. Everyone understands the guidelines and their role in protecting organization assets. Communication, transparency and reliability build the trust necessary to have an excellent cybersecurity program that supports the organizations goals.
Over the past thirty years we have seen Information Security developing from a tools-based IT function, through a period focused on Audit and Compliance, to the current maturity where Cyber Risk is managed alongside traditional Enterprise Risks. When done successfully, the Cyber Risk program facilitates rapid business change and helps to guide and speed the transition to the Digital Enterprise. As the digital enterprise grows in importance, the need for professional Cyber Risk management also grows.
We have direct experience in multiple industries including banking, Silicon Valley technology, telecommunications, energy, utilities and logistics, across a wide range of geographies in North and South America, Australia, Europe and Asia. The cybersecurity controls are similar throughout, but different regulations and organization objectives lead to different cybersecurity priorities and approaches.
We help organizations understand those priorities and design solutions to effectively meet them — predictably and reliably.
I understand you want certainty and the ability to move quickly. We help you identify and manage your cyber risks, because great businesses understand how to manage risks to achieve their goals.
Not everyone in your organization needs to be a cybersecurity expert, but they do need to understand how cybersecurity impacts their ability to succeed.
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