Cybersecurity Awareness – Original

Cybersecurity awareness educates employees, executives, vendors and partners about cyber risks, mitigations, organization expectations and personal implications. The desire is not to transform everyone into cybersecurity experts, but to give them the knowledge and tools they need to make fully informed decisions that support their objectives and protect the organization’s assets. Different users have different needs and learn in different ways. An effective cybersecurity awareness program provides information in different formats and contextualized to suit the needs of the audience.

Training Workshops and Seminars

Executive Briefings and Consultations

Awareness Support

Building and maintaining a cybersecure culture cannot be accomplished with one event. It requires refreshing, reminders and repetition. Few organizations can invest in full time awareness staff, but choose to leverage a range of tools to support their awareness requirements. We can help with recommendations and design of any of the following solutions:

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